self-determination theory

Talk at the symposium **Student Motivation and Emotion in the Higher Education Context - Developmental Trends, Implications, and Promotional Strategies of Positive Academic Development.** @GEBF2023

How do basic psychological need satisfaction, intrinsic motivation, and self-regulated interact longitudinally?

Lernen unter COVID-19 Bedingungen: Zur Situation der Studierenden in Österreich [Learning under COVID-19 conditions: On the situation of students in Austria]

As a result of the COVID-19 pandemic, a lockdown was imposed in Austria, as part of which universities were also closed. To assess the impact of these measures on students’ well-being and learning, we conducted three surveys between April and June …

Digital poster presentation @digiGEBF2021

How do gender and age influence students' ability to cope with the sudden shift to digital learning? Do boys have an advantage because - as is usually assumed - they have a greater affinity for technology?

OeAD-Hochschultagung 2021

Can digital learning be a solution to enable international exchange and education in a sustainable way? At the Higher Education Conference 2021 of Austria’s Agency for Education and Internationalisation (OeaD) I discussed challenges and opportunities of digital learning alongside Günther Berger from the Salzburg University of Applied Sciences.

Emergency Distance Learning in Austria during COVID-19: Selected Findings and Implications

Highlights: (1) Adequate preparation (e.g., providing technical equipment, didactical adaptation of teaching materials, fostering digital literacy in students …) is needed for distance learning to succeed.(2) Disadvantaged students need special …

Distance learning in higher education during COVID-19: The role of basic psychological needs and intrinsic motivation for persistence and procrastination - A multi-country study

Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, higher educational institutions worldwide switched to emergency distance learning in early 2020. The less structured environment of distance learning forced students to regulate their learning and motivation more …

Presentation at the networking event of the German-speaking Innovative Learning Environment Network

I was invited to present the interim results of our project "Learning under COVID-19 conditions" at the networking even of the German-speaking Innovative Learning Environment Network (ILE).

Interview at the Ars Boni Podcast

I was honored to be interviewed by Nikolas Forgó for the Ars Boni podcast about learning under COVID-19 with my colleague Flora Fassl.

Invited talk at the 26th meeting of the Monitoring Board for Children’s Rights

On the 21st of May I was invited to talk at the 26th meeting of the Monitoring Board for Children’s Rights (Austrian Federal Ministry for Family and Youth) about the challenges and chances of distance learning during COVID-19 and how it affected students learning and well-being.

Adolescent Well-being and Learning in Times of COVID-19 – A Multi-country Study of Basic Psychological Need Satisfaction, Learning Behavior, and the Mediating Roles of Positive Emotion and Intrinsic Motivation.

The sudden switch to distance education to contain the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic has fundamentally altered adolescents’ lives around the globe. The present research aims to identify psychological characteristics that relate to adolescents’ …